

I live and breathe for queer stories and also for my evil orange cat named Katya. I believe in art at the end of the world.

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    Homonormativity in Mainstream TV

    Analyze recent queer relationships as they are represented in a few mainstream TV shows (Atypical, Heartstopper, And Just Like That, L Word Gen Q, etc). To what extent are these relationships and characters homonormative? Homonormativity is the tendency for queer relationships to model goals and expectations on normative straight relationships (monogamy, goals like marriage and childrearing, citizen/rights-based activism, for example). Is it possible for mainstream TV to present compelling alternative queer characters and plotlines or is the form destined to churn out homonormativity?

    • Really interesting topic. I'd be particularly interested in the ones that set themselves up as queer - e.g. The L Word - and how they actually engage with queerness. – metacohen 2 years ago
    • Thinking that this could be a very collaborative and all-inclusive piece if it comes to fruition. Being a heterosexual white male and not having knowledge on this topic makes my engagement with your potential prompt limited, but it does seem like a truly compelling topic for that reason. You could certainly take an educational yet relatively opinionated take on this in order to inform but also to make a firm claim on the way you believe mass media as a whole (specifically in TV and film) could move with this issue. – matthewmcgovern 2 years ago

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    Yes!! this is something I never knew the name for but which made playing zelda such a joy. My girlfriend played BOW through before we met, and then once we were dating introduced me to the game and watched me play. She was consistently shocked by choices I would make and found that we had played the game in drastically different ways. I thought it was so neat to get to explore how differently we approach problems (and life) through playing this game together!

    Systemic Games: A Design Philosophy

    Great read!! I recently took a queer sci fi class in which the professor referred to Frankenstein as early queer sci fi because it is a male birth fantasy and because of the scene where the creature is on top of the hill wondering how he could be so alone in the world (a queer thought, indeed, and very relatable for us queers who grew up in a small town). I also love Philip K Dick & recently read Ubik (amazing!). Highly recommend it!

    Literature Versus Science? The Cautionary Tales of Scientific Malpractice

    It’s crazy to think about how quickly I can read compared to how slowly I write. If there was a reading event like this I bet I could read like 10 novels in a month but trying to write a single novel in a month seems excruciating to me. I’m such a slow writer because I need a couple hours to daydream and stare at the page before I feel in the dreamy state enough to write.

    NaNoWriMo and the Art of Eating the Elephant