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    Nerd Culture Gatekeeping

    An issue that I think is still prevalent even today. But the pressure that you have to prove how much of a nerd you are to be accepted within certain circles.

    Especially with how mainstream Nerd Culture is becoming, it's almost as if we have to prove we're not just riding the wave and even if we were, whats so wrong about that?

    I'm sure everyone has experienced the feeling of not being nerdy enough, or even judged for not having played a certain game, or knowing all the character's names in a show, or not following all the episodes of Critical Role.

    Is it just due to an elitist mindset in nerd culture? or is it perhaps more of a defensive mechanism to protect from 'fake nerds' just riding the mainstream wave?

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      I love the fact though that while I’m playing I am also apart of constructing the narrative. I think the issue lies where film and games become one and you’re not able to play the game without following the film’s structure piece for piece.

      Cinematic Games: Video Games and the Shadow of Cinema

      I think that fanfiction is a brilliant spring board for aspiring authors to be able to test the boundaries of their abilities in a safe space with a willing audience who is already familiar with the characters.

      They don’t need to sell their work to have it noticed or build a following or work as hard to receive feedback when there’s a platform built for it.

      I think fanfiction is essentially harmless as long as people are being respectful if the people they are portraying are real human beings.

      Fanfictions - Delusions or Expressions of Admiration?

      This was a very well written and informed article, I totally agree on a lot of your points and feel that you have put a lot of effort and thought into writing it. I know myself that I am guilty of wasting hours online when I could have been doing something more productive!

      I would just like to make two constructive points, I feel that you tried to cover a lot of content on a very very large topic and unfortunately it meant that there were points that I felt deviated from your original point, making it a bit more convoluted than necessary. This could definitely have been fixed with a bit more editing. Secondly, if you are going to cite articles you should reference them with a link and citation below.

      Otherwise I really enjoyed this article, brilliant job!

      The Power of Social Media; Does It Enhance or Swallow Up Relationships?