Andre Fernandez

Andre Fernandez

Contributing writer for The Artifice.

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Gender Roles and Sexuality in New Blockbuster Films

Analyze how the portrayal of gender roles and sexuality has changed during the last years and how it has changed in recent blockbuster films. For example the inclusion of a homosexual character in Disney's Beuty and a Beast (2017) and in the upcoming Power Rangers (2017) film.

  • I do love the topic, and though I feel like a lot of people have tried to tackle this, the fact that you are limiting this to blockbusters might take this discussion into a slightly different direction than usual (aka whoever writes this won't necessarily focus on the tragic gay story that dominated indie movies, or the recent "burn your gays" movement in TV shows. Though, even those might have their place, so I'd leave that to the writer's discretion). That being said, I'm thinking whoever writes this might like to focus the topic some more considering that even in the blockbuster realm, different genres of movies have different histories that point to various forms of progress/regress. Beauty and the Beast, for instance, might speak to the way representation of LGBT peeps is (very) tentatively making its way into children's movies, while the Power Rangers might open the discussion about how homosexuality might/might not challenge the hyper masculinity of male heros and the hypersexuality of female ones for instance (I have yet to see either, so these are mostly guesses, but it still feels like both movies could potentially lead to different discussions). In any case, I still think its a super relevant topic today and welcome more discussions on the matter. For Disney, their "easter egg" gay man in Frozen could be used for contrast when establishing a timeline, and in superheros, the erasure of Mystic's bisexuality and Deadpool's one being still pending could be interesting to look at. – Rina Arsen 8 years ago

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Andre Fernandez

I believe this movie is great. And I agree, being unique and creative is essential to make movies. I think that the movies that are produced independently provide the filmmakers a better space to do it.

The Nightmare Before Christmas: Why Being Unique in Hollywood Still Matters
Andre Fernandez

I agree, and I also believe that this can be applied to many movies outside the horror genre. For example, Rocky IV that was released during the Cold War era. There are many movies that you mentioned that I haven’t seen and will take a look at them.

Horror Movies, Why We Love [Some of] Them
Andre Fernandez

I think tattoos are a form of art and it is interesting to see how the perception of tattoos has changed through time and how the techniques have changed as well. But what it hasn’t changed is its purpose. It is also interesting to see how some tattoo artists have become celebrities like Doctor Woo that has over one million followers on his Instagram account (@_dr_woo_) I really like his designs.

Tattoos: Alternative Expression with Traditional Roots