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    How the Criminal Acts of an Actor/Reality Star Effect the Legacy of the Series

    Recently, "The Cosby Show," "7th Heaven," and "19 Kids and Counting" have been removed from multiple television channels. Each series was tarnished by the very public legal struggles of the stars of each series. Bill Cosby was accused by countless women of rape, audio tape revealed that Stephen Collins (the start of 7th Heaven) admitted to sexual assault of a minor, and it was revealed that Josh Duggar (one of the Duggar family's many children) had sexually assaulted several of his younger sisters as a teen. What are the implications of removing these shows from the airwaves? What do audiences expect from television stars? Television is a hugely collaborative effort: how do the actions of these stars effect the rest of the people involved in the production of the series? How does our knowledge of these details change the way we view these series?

    • For Cosby in particular, the reason his reputation was tarnished was because he painted his self as a harmless person. His comedy was safe and family friendly, and he usually frowned upon other comedians using such bad language. But now, no one can watch him be a fun loving dad on The Cosby Show without thinking of him as the vile monster we know him today. His hypocritical statement of being a good person is what hurt the most, as there is nothing worse than realizing than your hero is an awful human being. – Aaron Hatch 9 years ago

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    Oh, I need to rematch Lost sometime soon! The Constant was really always my favorite episode–just perfectly structured, romantic, wonderful sci-fi that was really the heart of Lost in its later seasons.

    The Best Episodes of Lost

    Television has never been about the individual, though. I’m not sure what you’re imagining, but television has petty much always been about ratings and mass viewership. The internet and the increase in channels and well-made content is fracturing the audience, dividing the savvy, internet-using audience and the traditional, CBS-leaning audience on the other hand. Buzz does not automatically generate success; Community just got canned, all kinds of garbage sitcoms nobody talks about online live on.

    I would also disagree with your premise that Dawson’s Creek and Six Feet Under were subtle; rather, they were episodic. They were slow on character development not because they were invested in honesty, but because they aired during a time when it was still important for episodes of a television series to maintain viewers who might watch sporadically rather than weekly. Dawson’s Creek thrived on melodrama that went nowhere and meant nothing to fill episodes; the melodramatic elements of, say, Breaking Bad, always further the central narrative. Episodic series aren’t automatically bad, but I wouldn’t say they are more subtle or character-driven than serial shows.

    The Essential "Meme-ability" of Modern Television

    It might have been interesting to hear a bit about pride; the characters of Mad Men have quite the surplus of it, and it causes all kind of conflict in the series.

    Understanding The Vices Through Mad Men

    It seems you missed an important element of Jane’s death. Walt doesn’t just happen to be there when Jane starts choking. He knocks her onto her back when he ties to wake Jesse, and this is what causes her to start choking. Indeed, Walt is directly responsible for Jane’s death. Does this change your thesis at all?

    The Moral Conundrum of 'Breaking Bad': Fate or Fortune?