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    Electronic Dance Music - from the Underground to Mainstream

    Examine and describe certain movements of electronic music since its rise in popularity. Focus on a single genre or several at once. What were their implications in the raver community? How did society react to these new types of sounds? I believe you can trace how the underground sounds in the raver culture of old can help uncover certain trends and developments that have influenced the mainstream industry of pop music.

    • I would also add discussion on the argument regarding the legitimacy of electronic dance music--is there any real skill/expertise in its creation, and if so, does it require enough talent to be as vastly popular as it is? Does talent play into composition at all? – amyolweiler 9 years ago
    • Consideration definitely needs to be paid towards the difference between 'actors' who DJ live without DJing live - pre-recorded sets, etc. - and those who are pushing the boundaries and who pushed them in the first place. Perhaps worth thinking about major voices in this issue, like Mat Zo, who once shared a list of 'ghost producers' for 'famous' DJs, or Deadmau5 who was laughing not long ago about a Forbes story detailing the bankruptcy of SFX Entertainment. Both of those artists take the creation of their music very seriously; Zo has even made '' to facilitate the development of new electronic artists. /Never/ boil down EDM into a push-play culture. There is immense skill in the craft of some artists, both in composition and live performance. Disclosure, Madeon and Porter Robinson quickly come to mind. – JekoJeko 9 years ago

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    Go show. However, in the end, its ideas weren’t put well into practice. The charm of the previous series was lost in predictable teen angst, and a plethora of enemies that seemed to bombard Korra as the Avatar.

    Politics and Privilege in The Legend of Korra

    I agree with you there, especially in terms of the use of beautiful backgrounds and the use of strong female characters(which I do appreciate).

    It’s great to think of Miyazaki’s works, even the rest of Ghibli’s catalogue, as self contained universes. I have never seen a Spirited Away 2 or Castle in the Sky 2. What made these films so amazing for audiences, I think, was the world it built visually in the hour and half or however long it took to tell a story.

    Hayao Miyazaki: The Art of Repetition

    Mount and Blade is basically an extension of Total War, minus the huge battlefield control. Having both would be tedious and break immersion.

    How the 'Total War' Series Remolds Our Perception of History