Contributing writer for The Artifice.
Junior Contributor I
writing Write this topicWhen author-inserts go wrongAll characters are, of course, representations of their authors in some form. I'm speaking about the borderline Mary-Sue's and Gary-Stu's with the perfect hair and bodies who have virtually no faults (other than, say, running away with a sparkly vampire). The two which come to mind are Clary (Mortal Instruments) and Bella Swan. Funny how most of these characters are in YA fiction.
The History Behind Disney Princesses | |
You raise some interesting points. I think fanfiction is certainly a valid way to learn to write, and there is merit in being able to pick out “bad” writing and, more importantly, exactly what makes it “bad”. | Fanfiction: The Merits of Originality |
Thanks for the tips! | Four Techniques of Effective Flash Nonfiction Writers |
An interesting read. Thank you.