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    Masculinity & Steven Universe

    While Steven Universe depicts many types of femininity, it rarely gets held up for portrayals of its masculinity. Steven himself is a very well-rounded character, but strays from what is considered to be typically masculine. How do some of the other characters (like Greg or the other inhabitants of Beach City) portray masculinity?

    • Very interesting topic. Steven is a very well rounded character indeed. Yes, he may not be what most consider to be typically masculine, but I feel as though Steven has a good balance of both masculinity and femininity, This was a great topic to read and being a fan of this show, its nice to see topics like this. – Nickskey23 9 years ago
    • It also might be intersting to discuss how the various female characters might portray more "masculine" aspects. For example Jasper basically portrays everything that is traditionally masculine. Garnet could be argued to be a fusion of masculine traits (the more tough Ruby) and feminine ones (the softer sapphire). – Mariel 8 years ago

    The Male-Gaze and Feminism in Sword Art Online

    While wildly popular with fans, Sword Art Online has many problematic instances of perpetuating gender stereotypes through the anime. The male gaze is very prevalent throughout the series whether it is consciously acknowledged or not–the camera lingers on women's anatomy unnecessarily, even in serious conversations between characters (think Sinon's and Kirito's episode in the cave where they are talking about serious issues and the camera focuses on Sinon's posterior even though she is talking). The anime also appeals to the "harem-genre" where every single female character becomes infatuated with Kazuto/Kirito.

    Young women in the series, while considered strong like Asada/Sinon or Asuna, ultimately fall into negative female stereotypes. Even though the young women reach out to those around them, and do have agency, however they depend heavily on Kazuto/Kirito to come to their rescue. While both young women seek out their own rescue, they are ultimately powerless unless Kirito is there to rescue them.

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      In what way is the propaganda biased or misleading?

      Masculinity in Steven Universe: A Matter of GEMder?

      This is not a necessarily new trend in the publishing world–publishers will have ghost writers to write biographies for celebrities. Often times, the book will do well because of the writer’s fame, so it will be an easy route for a publisher to make more money. They would rather have a book that would be guaranteed to sell than a wildcard.

      One of the most frustrating things about this system is that the YouTubers are not being transparent about the content that they put out.

      How Necessary is it for YouTubers to Write Books?

      Korra proves she is a strong (female) character. While the show does fall into tropes in the first season especially, it does expand on those tropes. Korra, Mako, and Asami each grow from the people they were in the first season to more mature adults in the last season.

      The Legend of Korra and Mixed Message Feminism

      Animation and storytelling in general in Canada tend to focus on Canadian identity and asserting itself as properly Canadian. While there may a few failures in Canadian animation, Canada does have a reputation for good animators. Several animators have gone on to work for Disney and have been nominated for Academy Awards and the Golden Globes–How to Train Your Dragon and Big Hero 6 for instance. There may not be a strong presence as the American animators, but there are some good shows from Canada.

      Canadian Animation: The Struggles of Earning Recognition from its Audience

      I love this show, especially the latest episodes!

      The author of the article mentioned all the Gems as super strong characters, but Connie is also an integral part of the show. She is awesomely geeky, supportive of Steven, but still entirely her own person. She is another strong character, so I hope she gets more screen time in the next few episodes!

      Steven Universe: The Rise of Popularity in Internet Fandoms