Contributing writer for The Artifice.
Junior Contributor I
Poetry: Intention and InterpretationWith all of the metaphorical language in poetical writings, is there a line to be drawn when it comes to interpreting said writings? English classes go into great detail about a Freudian style psychoanalysis of a single word in a passage or verse, often extracting a five-page essay's worth of details from the arrangement of fewer than ten letters – is this extreme?
Social Media Profiles: A Faithful Reminder of Who We Are, and Who We Can't Be | |
The beauty of Disney, though, is that it’s creepiness and darkness is often very cleverly layered. Though Leitner cited things like the Evil Witch in Snow White, she was layered with supernatural powers, which makes her an entity children don’t necessarily have to see in their own world. They can dismiss her as a witch, something they only see on Halloween. When they are older, and ready, they can peel away those layers of distance at their own rate of emotional capacity to see the darkness that she represents in their everyday world. Giving them the material young in a carefully hidden manner sets them up to see it clearly in their own time and their own way. | Should Children's Films be Dark or Light? |
While that’s an example of positive adaptation (for you, in particular) I think it’s important to point out that changes made to the storyline or other aspects of a writer’s work can compromise their original visions of their work. I wish the screenwriters and book writers would collaborate more often – that way we could be sure that screenplays of books enhanced the experience of the story underlying both. | How 'By the Book' Should Literary Adaptations Be? |
I think that’s part of what makes it beautiful to us as viewers, is exactly that creepy aspect which Burton has managed to turn into a scene of, even more than aesthetic exploration, emotional exploration. It’s almost an adventure to challenge the brain, and giving us the distance from it via his fantastic-al animations makes it such a breathtaking ride we see beauty in it. | The Corpse Bride: The Beauty of The Dead |
Your observation on how people interact differently on different websites is so true; I was discussing it with a friend the other day, we were discussing Instagram etiquette. Now that I write it out and look at it in hindsight, that is such a bizarre topic to be the subject of a serious conversation – although, being able to have such a finely tuned radar on etiquette is something everyone seems to lack in real life. Perhaps this could open the door to expressions of more appropriate behaviour in the offline world…