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    Video Game Delusion: Are They As Addictive As Alcohol or Drugs?

    Since the inception of video games, a pervasive mythos has been established that video games are not only addictive but are also destructive to ones psyche, health and life. However, we need to be able to shift through gaming fact over gaming fiction. Through an analysis of the literature on gaming addictiveness to exploring new insights into the benefits of gaming, this article will attempt to provide some answers on how problematic gaming addiction is in modern society.

    • Hmm...I'm a little unsure about this topic, as most of what I've come across is largely that addiction does not differ based on the addiction, but addictive behaviour. I don't necessarily know if you can address this question sufficiently without falling into a lot of unsubstantiated rhetoric. However, it is an interesting topic and one that I will happily read and hopefully be proved wrong on, but it will need to be VERY well researched and supported with scientific studies not anecdotes - especially considering the readership of this site. – SaraiMW 6 years ago
    • A good topic to discuss, however, I wonder if it's the pop culture that dwells from it – ConorTomalty 6 years ago
    • Literally no. An addiction is a biological reaction to a chemical substance. The act of not being able to put down the controller is called, "gaming compulsion." In other words, they're not even remotely comparable. – JaredTaylor94 6 years ago
    • Hmm.... maybe compare to binge watching and applying the Uses and gratification theory which tries to help people understand why and people seek out specific needs. Such as social media and other types of media. Also include what things are necessary to classify it as an addiction. – TaTeaonaM 6 years ago
    • I think this is a very interesting topic. One of the above comments is also incorrect - an addiction can be the physical or psychological need to do something. I think gaming can definitely fall under this category. How it relates to the need to escape from real life - similar to how drug users utilise drugs to escape. Although it is not as problematic as drug use to society, there might be some ramifications in the personal life of someone addicted to gaming - for example I broke up with someone because their life revolved around gaming. It impacted on his work, health and our relationship. Very interesting topic and one which is worth exploring. – Carinci95 6 years ago
    • also addicted to games – genuinechem 5 years ago

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    I have played many ROM of Pokemon and I find that fan made games are (for the most part) a joy to play. Excellent article!

    Pokémon: The Unique Experience of Fan-Made Games

    Netflix and other internet streaming services have greatly impacted how consumers watch there shows/movies and has allowed consumers to have greater choice. I personally have ditched cable due to its outrageous cost and little choice/diversity of content and have wholeheartedly supported online streaming services like Netflix.

    Netflix and Impact

    A lovely article! I think a sequel to breath of the wilds would be amazing.

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