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    The Legacy and Influence of Juan Rulfo

    This article explores the life and writings of a reclusive giant in twentieth century literature, Juan Rulfo. While authoring only one novel, _Pedro Páramo_, and one short story collection , _El llano en llamas_, Rulfo achieved extreme fame and admiration from other writers such as Jorge Luis Borges and established himself as a pivotal influence on Gabriel García Márquez. This text will address and analyze the basic plot and themes of Rulfo's work, and educate readers on a lesser known great Mexican author.

    Aspects of Rulflo’s Pedro Paramo to consider,

    1.)environment where the story takes place. A brief overview of Mexican geography, culture, literary history, Catholicism/purgatory, and the Day of the Dead.

    2.)disjointed and fragmentary nature of time which adds to the dreamlike quality of the novel.

    3.) lack of chapters and signifiers of who is speaking, forcing the reader to fill in the missing information on their own.

    While reading the novel, you will probably see how all of these themes intersect and amplify each other.

    Regarding the influence of Rulfo on García Márquez, it would be good to look into what García Márquez himself said about Rulfo and his writings. There are also parallels that can be drawn between Rulfo’s town of Comala and Marquez’ town Mercado.
    These are just recommendations and are by no means definitive guidelines. It would be best for you to use your own discretion and aesthetic discrimination while exploring and contemplating these great texts.

    • Hi, J.D. thank you for the feedback. I think MLA style guide says to use _ in digital environments where italics are unavailable. I attached a link as an example of this advice: https://style.mla.org/underscore-instead-of-italics/ – kurtz 4 years ago

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    Latest Comments

    Why are we trying to read deeply into superficial texts?

    Fate in Harry Potter and Sabrina

    great article – workers of the world unite

    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: A Capitalist Dystopia
    Disability and Narrative: an Analysis of On-screen Characters

    great essay

    Using Musical Theater as a Literary Muse

    Hi Zahra, interesting essay. Thank you for shedding light on some under appreciated movies. For me, “Güeros” is also worth mentioning. A subtle comedy that follows the lives of some shiftless students in Mexico City. Definitely worth checking out if you’ve watched “Sin Nombre”, since you can appreciate the acting range of Tenoch Huerta who deftly played an alienated writer in the former and a Mara Salvatrucha leader in the latter.

    A Portrayal Of Mexican Cinema

    I enjoy art by bad people as a catharsis from my superego’s incessant desire to be good.

    Problematic Creators: How Do We Interact With Their Work?

    Another reading of this story is that Poe was fundamentally a misogynist with such a narrow feminine ideal that it does not matter so much as to whether or not Ligeia is dead or alive because he did not view women as fully human – like men. They are instead objects to be either romanticized or ostracized solely on merit of how they make men feel. I implore readers to recognize that much of Poe’s trademarked madness was sometimes plain old misogyny.

    Edgar Allan Poe's Ligeia: Dead or Alive?

    Great essay Samantha. Are you familiar with Ellen Moers’ work where she regards _Frankenstein_ as a “birth myth”? She posits this perspective in her essay “Female Gothic: The Monster’s Mother”. In it she argues Mary Shelly is working through her own feelings of anxiety regarding motherhood. Naturally this reading does not undermine the novel’s leitmotif of the dangers of scientific knowledge and shows how much range Shelly had as a writer and how many different ways this text can be read.

    Literature Versus Science? The Cautionary Tales of Scientific Malpractice