Aleksandra Prikhodko

Contributing writer for The Artifice.

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    Schizoid Personality Disorder in Movies: Exploring Representations of Emotional Detachment and Isolation

    This article could analyze how schizoid personality disorder (SPD) is portrayed in movies, examining both accurate depictions and those that lean into stereotypes. It could explore characters from films like Taxi Driver, Her, or Donnie Darko, discussing how their emotional detachment, introspection, and isolation reflect aspects of SPD. The article might delve into how these portrayals provide insight into the human experience of disconnection, often serving as metaphors for broader societal issues.

    You might also consider discussing the challenges filmmakers face in representing SPD authentically while balancing narrative engagement. Exploring the potential impact these portrayals have on public understanding of the disorder — both in terms of awareness and misconceptions — could add a valuable dimension. Addressing how the nuanced representation of mental health contributes to more empathetic storytelling would make the topic particularly relevant in today's cinematic landscape.

    • I think Christian Grey from “50 Shades of Grey” would be a good character to look at with regard to the depiction of SPD – Laurika Nxumalo 3 months ago

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    Latest Comments

    That article truly deepend my appreciation for the role of costume design in narrative construction, thank you!

    Costumes On Screen: How Clothing Has Enhanced Visual Storytelling

    It’s a thought-provoking read, thank you! I like that you highlighted how AI serves as an extension of the artist’s vision — not only as threat. The part about K-Pop provided valuable insights into the evolving nature of art in the digital age: I even got some ideas how to use it in my music projects.

    Can Art-ficial Be Art?: The Human Heart Behind the Machine

    When I first saw this, I was 17 years old. It was beautiful storytelling, but it somehow felt problematic — though I couldn’t quite put my finger on why. It took me almost 10 years of my own experiences with men who tried to erase me — literally, to erase my personality in order to make me more ‘pixie-like’ — to fully understand everything described in this article. Thank you for such a bold and insightful take on a masterpiece that portrays a problematic relationship. I only wish I had read this in my early twenties

    Unveiling the Shadows: The Flawed Femininity of "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"