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    The (In)Humanity of Superheros

    What DC and Marvel seem to differ between is style of superheros, the way in which they exist. Superman for instance is basically invincible and is also almost always right and just, which is part of the appeal to some people. While if you take Tony Stark from Marvel he has human faults and characteristics. There are many other characters that could fit into one category or another between the new universes. However, with Captain Marvel in the field now some say that she too is just too powerful, not relatable. Take the difference between Inhuman and Human archetypes of comic book/movie characters and explore why people find such interest in one or the other, is one more entertaining, or emotionally connecting? Are 'human' characters more emotional to the reader/audience because of the relatability? Or is the 'inhuman' character more appealing because it plays to people's wildest dreams and fantasies?

    • This is why I love Marvel. People by design are social creatures. They love to connect with people on an emotional level, which is why when they read a book or watch a movie or TV show, they have a better connection with fictional characters that have a sense of human nature within them. That does not mean they need to be human per se, but they must have human characteristics. Such as vulnerabilities that anyone on earth can relate to (the loss of a love one, feeling cheated, having a disability, falling in love, being bullied etc. The more human experiences the character has, the more relatble they are and the more the audience will like them. – Amelia Arrows 5 years ago

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    I absolutely adore food. I always have. This article really brings something to the table (hehe) that emphasizes something greater. I love your take on all of these phenomenal movies. Thank you for thinking the way you do.

    Feminism and Food in Film

    We we all love our time-travel king and origin stories but our favorite franchises can get very confusing! Thanks for this breakdown. Though don’t even get started on the x-men comics, comics are so difficult to follow a main line. I came across some where Storm becomes a vampire and is known as Bloodstorm.

    The X-Men Timeline

    Your take really opened my eyes on this. I remember booting up BoTW for the first time so excited and binging really shocked by the silence and the subtle music. At first I really didn’t like it, I missed what Nintendo had done with the rest of the Zelda franchise, the iconic tunes and lines that can get stuck in your head. But it’s true that the minimalistic approach matched the game better because it was more geared towards pulling you into Hyrule. And it succeeded. The graphics and the music created a landscape of realistic animated art that fulfills our childlike fantasies. Bravo Nintendo. You did it again.

    Zelda: Breath of the Wild's Musical Rebellion