
Contributing writer for The Artifice.

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    The Resurgence of the Vintage Medium

    With the current trend of shopping at the local Vinnies or Salvos and old fashion items becoming hot new styles so too has the vintage mediums been resurrected. A largely growing population of "old souls" now turn away from the digital medium in the forms of music and photography and writing and choose to use the older mediums. Vinyl record sales are on the rise, film photography (particularly polaroid) has increased and budding writers punch away on their mechanical typewriters. Why does the heavy "chick, chick, chick" of a typewriter make us more likely to be the next Hemingway? How many of us truly can hear the difference between the "warmer" sound of vinyl and the digital versions? And which hobbiest photographer can see the infinitely better contrast on the film negative compared to the ones on their iPhone 7?

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      I feel like I agree with both sides to an extent, where Arthuria is correct in saying the king should devote himself to his people, the best way to devote himself would be to lead them in the right direction. This would involve confidence and strength of character traits which alexander have. Hence ideally, I believe the king would be best as a combination of Arthur and Alexanders ideals.

      Alexander the Great: The True King of Fate/Zero

      I’m currently watching Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai and I keep finding myself skipping through the episodes. Anime’s like this that are completely driven by fan service are an issue and ruin what could be a great action fantasy anime.

      Fanservice in Anime: Perception Versus Intent

      This is a great anime and the second season can’t come fast enough. I enjoyed your thesis as well and it has made me want to rematch the series keeping this post-modern detective theory in mind!

      No Game No Life: Post-Modern Detectives