Analytical musings on human culture and answering questions no one asked, I try to offer a sideways glance of how our artistic output affects us and how our mythologies grow.
Junior Contributor II
How to Steal like an Artist: Nothing is Original | |
![]() I firmly believe Shakespeare would not have been the playwright he was without Marlowe’s influence. Flippant though it sounds, thinking Shakespeare was the only renaissance playwright (in England alone) is the equivalent of thinking 60’s music begins and ends with The Beatles. Unless I’m much mistaken; aren’t Marlowe, Kyd and Webster all named candidates in the Shakespeare authorship question? | 4 Renaissance Plays That Weren't Written by Shakespeare |
![]() Some of the best dinosaur games I remember were on the PS1 of all things. The original Turok games were in the so-bad-they-are-good category, but Dino Crisis was an absolute gem in a late 90’s first-Half-Life game kind of a way. | Jurassic World and the Sci-Fi Renaissance |
![]() I won’t deny I find George R. R Martin’s literary style almost unreadable. I read “A Game of Thrones” for a module at university and haven’t pursued the others. But as a fan of the TV series, I can’t see why they would have to merge two books together into a single ten episode season simply because the storylines overlapped. It made me think of how Peter Jackson and his team adapted LOTR, they drew the timeline from the books and pieced together the film narrative- but there is still a book to a film, if you see my meaning. | What Happens When Game of Thrones Runs Out of Books to Adapt? |
![]() From what I understand, Steven Spielberg is acting as executive producer and was unwilling to go forward with a script that wasn’t absolutely perfect. Apparently he has spent twelve years knocking various pulpy ideas out of the park in preference of… something else. Then there were the deaths of Michael Crichton and Stan Winston, all manner of things just kept getting in the way. I think a lot of people decided that a difficult development was the same as the film not happening at all. Definition of “Film Lover” – people to whom patience is never a virtue, it’s the thing between you and dinosaurs. | Jurassic World and the Sci-Fi Renaissance |
![]() Out of interest: how would you, as a film fan, respond to all the talk and speculation about a reboot or (god I hate this word) ‘reimagining’? It seems to be a fad at the moment, but would JP get something from it the others don’t/haven’t? Just a thought. | Jurassic World and the Sci-Fi Renaissance |
![]() It makes me feel like a Rugrat to admit that I was exactly one year old when the first film came out, but I remember being spellbound and truly, utterly terrified in equal measure. The armed dinosaurs and the weird mutant dino-men inspired some good old fashioned kick-ass fan art and if if someone was going to write a comic on that theme I’d read it and read it and read it until the staples fell away. “Jurassic Mars” has such potential! Have you seen “Planet of Dinosaurs”? Great B-Movie, and could give you an idea of what your hypothetical may look like. | Jurassic World and the Sci-Fi Renaissance |
![]() Thank you very much. I think The Artifice may collapse in on itself when ‘Godzilla’ is finally released. A testament to his awesome destructive ability as his efforts reach cyberspace. | Jurassic World and the Sci-Fi Renaissance |
This is an absolutely stunning read. I do fear we are leaving the age of imitation and into the age of repetition, bordering on uniformity. The world looks so good from the shoulders of giants I suppose. But yes, a truly wonderful read. Thank you.