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    Disney's Live Action Remakes: Who are they for?

    Many of the live-action remakes and reimaginings of classic Disney cartoons add elements that are not in the source material. Often these elements further develop characters, especially secondary ones, in meaningful ways. Jasmine is made to be more independent, Maleficent is sympathetic, as is Cruella, the Beast finally has his own ballad to express his love for Belle. But who are these remakes aimed toward? Adults who were children during the Disney renaissance? Do these reimaginings intend to capitalize the millennials' nostalgia? Or are they opening the door for children to access older films that Disney fears the kids will be unable to appreciate otherwise?

    • Disney is likely just milking its IP as much as possible without needing to create a unique story while capitalizing on star power and shorter conception to final product turnover with a fleshed-out live-action remake. The remakes are for-profit and fill out the limited Disney+ content as it cannot compete directly with big brands like Netflix or Amazon for serialized content but the remakes can be something to advertise for months and keep subscribers on board between the fewer and further between original animations that they are famous for but take a decade to create. – AislynS 3 years ago
    • I think the major issue is that they're trying to both honour the past and create something new. And they should probably lean more toward the latter. They're going to make money regardless. But at the same time, they shouldn't aim towards making something more relevant or political. They should go back to the core story and how it can be reinterpreted, not restated, both subtly and drastically. Don't try to sell the message, try to sell the spin. – JSJames 3 years ago
    • In my opinion, Disney is running out of ideas and this is the only thing they can come up with. While I used to love Disney as a kid, my tolerance and likeness toward them is almost nonexistent. Their story lines are weak, they can't go 10 minutes without singing, and they overkill on mass consumer products. Why don't they tell a story without singing in it? Why don't they bring on new writers that have wild creative abilities? For once I'd like to see an actual story be told by Disney instead of singing and preaching. – Audry 3 years ago

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    Latest Comments

    Stephanie is a fantastic article.
    Rugrats, Doug, and especially Hey, Arnold! were monumental in my childhood. Rugrats was most likely the first time I had seen Jewish representation in anything, let alone animation. That may sound a little sad, but a small town, smaller demographics. Hey, Arnold was particularly impactful because of the diversity in the cast. It also never punched down. It addressed issues that are serious to children and dealt with them in a serious manner, never talking down to kids.
    Really, all of the shows you mentioned in the article are incredibly impactful. Again, great work!

    Nickelodeon, Disney, and the Story of Growing Up

    Very good article!
    SNL is one of those things that’s “only good” up until whichever era was you’re favorite. I grew up at the tail end Sandler, Spade, and Farley, with upcoming Ferrell, Fey, Rudolph, etc. in the mix. That said, SNL has largely always been funny, but every few episodes/seasons they strike gold. I vividly remember Tina Fey returning to play Sarah Palin and how impactful her performance was. People still misattribute Fey’s satirical quotes as actual Palin quotes, I love it!
    One of the earliest skits I remember seeing was the commercial for Schmitt’s Gay beer with Sandler and Farley. Some of the presentation is pretty dated, but to satirize sexually charged beer ads aimed at heteronormative men in this way was brilliant.
    SNL is still as funny as it always has been, which is to say they usually strike gold a few times a season. I’m sure it won’t be around forever, but looking back on older seasons can really show examples of people’s attitudes regarding pop culture. and politics of the era.

    The Mainstream Effect of SNL

    I love this article. Frozen is clearly the beginning of a new era of Disney movies (though it could be argued that Tangled laid the foundation for Frozen’s success.)
    I believe Frozen was immensely popular due to the challenges it presented to the conventional Disney model. It focuses on familial love, which takes precedent over romantic love.
    However, Moana is probably my favorite of the last decade. It uses Frozen as a foundation to allow a strong, female character to take the role of the hero, and to find her own purpose beyond others’ expectations. Then, Frozen II takes what Moana has done and builds upon it. Frozen II in some ways “has its cake and eats it too” as Elsa remains the independent female lead, and while Anna also fits into this role, she is still able to have a “Disney princess” ending.
    All in all, I’m very interested in the modern era of Disney animation.

    Frozen: Letting Go of Gender Stereotypes?