
Female Masculinity in Faulkner

The women in Faulkner's novels are volatile characters (as most characters in his books are), but in a different way. The women are often stronger, more brusque, and generally independent, traits that the men in the novel wish they had. Specifically looking at The Sound and the Fury and As I Lay Dying, how do the women appear more "masculine" than the men they interact with? How does their masculinity positively and negatively affect their relationships with others?

  • 1. Please, define "stronger," "brusque," and "independent." Examples will be greatly appreciated. – T. Palomino 2 years ago
  • 2. Please, elaborate the following: "traits that the men in the novel wish they had." Do these men actually say that or is it implied? Or is it something you, as a reader, perceive? – T. Palomino 2 years ago
  • 3. Please explain the following: "Women in Faulkner's novels are volatile characters, but in a different way." Different from what? From men? – T. Palomino 2 years ago

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