
Interactivity in Games: When Agency Matters.

Discuss examples in videogames when interactivity matters. Do Cut Scenes or sequences with Quick Time Events have a completely different meaning when they become interactive? Some examples are the final bosses in God of War 3 and Metal Gear Solid 3. How does timed decisions in cut scenes create tension and meaning? Some examples include Mass Effect and Telltale games. Does introducing interactivity in these games make them more immersive?

  • Fixed suggestions by Pamela Maria – Zander Jones 7 years ago
  • I like this topic as it something that has been talked about when it comes to video games Should games offer more independence when it comes to gameplay or be tied to a lot of cut scenes and quick time events. Explore the negatives and positives of these features – cbo1094 7 years ago
  • I like this topic as it something that has been talked about when it comes to video games Should games offer more independence when it comes to gameplay or be tied to a lot of cut scenes and quick time events. Explore the negatives and positives of these features – cbo1094 7 years ago

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