
How Much Popular are Motion Comics as a Form of Animation?

Motion comics or comic books? That is the question. Which one does the audience prefer? As you know, it is almost a new form of animation. The earliest example of it was depicted in 2001. How much has it improved? What has made it to improve and what has not? Could motion comics find its place among 2 dimensions forms of animation?

  • http://mediacommons.futureofthebook.org/imr/2011/08/04/outrageous-origins-motion-comic Here is a source I found that others have delved into. Personally, I'm not big into motion comics, but this seems like a great idea for an article. I think the people who write here could turn it into something really unique and entertaining. I'm a fan of history, so I would mention the history of comics and motion comics. Talk about how motion comics became a thing. Talk about the upsides and down sides of them. What if the voices are terrible? What makes it better than comics? Is this a growing industry? I believe for this article it would be better to pick a side. Sure you can weigh the pros and cons of both and let the audience decide, however, that's boring. It would be better if you had an opinion on it. That way I could have an opinion on your opinion, and so on. – MRose 9 years ago

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