Popular manga being adapted into anime is common practice, but as of late there has been a rise of live-action film adaptations (see Attack on Titan, Ore Monogatari!!). Is it possible to still maintain the integrity of the original story through multiple translations from one form of media to another? It is a different process from films being adapted from novels and there seems to be more room for content to be lost in translation.
This topic sounds like it would be very similar to the debate over Western comics being faithfully adapted into live-action films. There could potentially be parallels addressed between the two despite manga being more often connected with animation in contrast to Western comics. – dsoumilas10 years ago
I definitely think live action movies lose a lot of the anime and manga in translation. I watched the new Attack on Titan live action movie trailer and honestly, not only does it seem like just a grab for more money re-telling the same story in a different medium, it has most definitely changed it into a fan service! I saw Erin kissing Mikasa in the trailer... like, come on. They deliberately changed a major plot motivating relationship to make some fans happy because now shipping it is "canon". – Slaidey10 years ago
I think it would be more interesting to limit this to anime adaptations, specifically. That way it could be more focused. I think bringing live-action would be too much for a single article, since there's so much to be said simply about adapting a manga to animation. – britaolmstead9 years ago