Millennials are typically regarded by the older generations as entitled and cynical. Personally, I come from the millennial generation, and resent the idea that we are entitled and cynical without reason or cause. I just completed a class discussing changes and experimentation in literature during the Modernist era from 1900-1945 in America specifically. What I would hope to inspire from this topic is to circumvent the allegations that Millennials are entitled, perhaps showcase some artwork from Millennial artists or authors, and perhaps even speculate on what a historian might dub the period of artistry created by Millennials
Don't be discouraged by people criticizing Millennial. BTW my tablet keeps correcting my writing of millennial from plural to singular. I can tell you as someone who has worked with Baby Boomers all my life that they are not a group who should be shutting down the next generation. In fact since the 80s, the Boomers have been getting richer and richer to keep wealth in the top 1%. Ironic that the same generation that fought for many egalitarian ideas has become the exact opposite of their ideals. I would just think every time the older generation criticizes Millennial that it is just an expression of their guilty social conscience. Sellout much? – Munjeera9 years ago
This is a good topic, so don't degrade it by getting political and start blaming others (especially other generations). Stay on topic and keep it moving forward in a positive manner. Simply and clearly state "why" Millennials are not cynical or entitled and then give evidence of this through the artwork they have produced. – bergland9 years ago
Munjeera, contradiction alert: if boomers are hoarding wealth, I'm pretty sure they're more than one-percent, so a lot if them aren't getting wealthy. Let's us poor ants quit fighting over one crumb at the bottom of the hill. The problem with every generation is its unwillingness to suffer, let alone die, for what is right. We're all pretty much sheep. – Tigey9 years ago
I think in the notes we're getting a bit away from the message I originally made, which is what contributions artists specifically from the Millennial generation have or will contribute in the future and what future analysis of those artworks and pieces of literature might look like. It is not taking a jab at Baby Boomers or Generation X or anything of that sort. – Nayr12309 years ago