
Nerd Cred: The Chasm

Explore the tensions between Table Top (think: Warhammer; D&D) and Live Action gamers and role players (fantasy real-world experience, think: your banker in a local park decked with with swords and cloaks). Why is one group often disparaging of the other? What credence does one community have for this divide? How often does overlap occur? Does this tension foster a stronger sense of one's own identity?

  • I like to think of the rift in various "nerd acceptance" is natural and just goes to show how large and evolved the community has become. I mean, look at sports fans. If someone likes one sport they sometimes reject those who like another better and it's kind of the same thing. Overlap and division will occur based on the individual people but it is a good question as to which activities most overlap and why? – Slaidey 9 years ago

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