There are many movies which include philosophical theories or concepts in movies. Can you think of any? Philosophical concepts in movies allow individuals to think critically.
I feel like it may be beneficial to do one movie and examine its philosophical contents or pick a single philosophy and choose a handful of movies to explore. Otherwise, the topic may become too much to cover in one article. – Emily Deibler5 years ago
Can you pick a philosophy such as at the recent attempts to promote gender equality or discuss diversity? Also you could pick Jordan Peele's racial horror movies. Some other philosophies could be differences in generations. – Munjeera5 years ago
Agreed about the vagueness, but I like where this is headed. Two suggestions: An article examining several films about one philosophical topic such as existentialism. Or a discussion of the multiple philosophical themes in a specific franchise or set of films, for example, The Philosophical Lessons of Spiderman. – proflong5 years ago
Another idea could be choosing a certain movie made several decades ago and analyzing the impact of its philosophy (whether that's about class, gender, the meaning of life, etc.) in its original day vs. how people are impacted by it now. – rachelwitzig5 years ago
To add my voice to some others: this is a very important topic, but as it stands simply too broad. The topic could be tightened by focusing on a specific philosophical question, a specific genre of film, and a specific time frame. Remember that whole careers are built on studying one slice of this problem (e.g., Marxist philosophical thought in Russian science fiction in the 1960s-70s). – Derek5 years ago
Parasite would be a great example here. – Munjeera5 years ago
There are a number of essays currently on The Artifice that address philosophy as part of a movie or TV show, how can this essay be approached differently? – Joseph Cernik5 years ago