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Remembering Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Last year, the world lost legendary author Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Known for his use of magic realism, this author could discusses his critically acclaimed novels, such as A Hundred Years of Solitude, which one the Nobel Prize in Literature. Garcia Marquez also incorporated themes about politics and family etc., so it would be interesting to read how these influenced his work.

  • This would be a great idea. I love his writing style! I am reading .... Years of Solitude at the moment. – Yama144 9 years ago
  • I'd love to read this, being a big fan of Marquez's work. I recommend reading his interview on the Paris Review as it gives an intriguing insight into his methodology. – Aliya Gulamani 9 years ago
  • As far as politics and family Marquez was heavily influenced by the novel Pedro Paramo which deals with these topics it's a sort of predecessor to One Hundred Years... you could incorporate something along those lines. – Christina Cady 9 years ago
  • Last semester, I gave "Love In the Time of Cholera" a read for school and I absolutely fell in love with it due to Marquez's intricacies in his exploration in the pros/cons/fantasy/delusions/purity of love. It's something to read. There also was "Very Old Man With Enormous Wings." Thought-provoking in the idea of faith http://www.jonescollegeprep.org/ourpages/auto/2014/1/29/42934518/A_Very_Old_Man_with_Enormous_Wings_pdf.pdf There's also one wonderful magic realism short story that I forgot the title of, but I recalled it involved children experimenting with innovation. You can Google up more free short stories of his. Sure we mostly remember him for the big novels, so its proper to give his short stories the justice it deserves. – AvaKane 9 years ago

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