
Should Mortal Kombat X Be Considered Torture Porn

The new Mortal Kombat game just recently came out, and the fatalities are more gorier and funner then ever. I recently watched a video when older people compared the game the Saw series. It got me thinking if Mortal Kombat should be considered torture porn because of the intense violence. While we obviously get enjoyment form these fatalities, is the same enjoyment we get form torture porn; if your in to that kind of thing?

  • What exactly is torture porn? Because that has different connotations in my head than I think you mean. I think maybe instead of using that particular phrasing it could be useful to examine fascination with violence/escalation of violence in games as sort of a cultural look over the Mortal Kombat franchise even. I'm not familiar with it at all, to be honest, but from my outside perspective it feels like you might be limiting yourself. – Helen Parshall 10 years ago
  • Could it be considered a new version of torture entertainment? If we take porn to mean something aesthetic (as controversial as that is) , meaning that it is a passive activity of watching as compared to mortal kombat which is active and engaging it may come out that MKX is "the next step" in defining torture entertainment of which torture porn would be a part. It is a broad subject and one deserving of attention – DClarke 10 years ago

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