
Shrinking the Screen and Expanding the Story: Adapting the Blockbuster to Television

Exploring the conventions of transforming a cinematic world to television through the analysis of recent shows. Twelve Monkeys, Hannibal, and Bates Motel are some of the most recent adaptations of film to television; in these adaptations we see similar tropes seen in these adaptations. More intricate storylines, modernized settings and genderbent characters are among the changes seen in such shows. The article would highlight and analyze the use of these tools of adaptation.

  • A very nice topic. Title could be reworked. Adapting the Blockbuster to Television: Shrinking the Screen and Expanding the Story. This I read to do in the Guide :) The adaptation necessarily has such tools as you mentioned, and the list could be enlarged. Changing characters according to the target audience, minimizing budget, choosing appropriate breakpoints for episode ends, etc. It'll make a nice article. – Abhimanyu Shekhar 9 years ago

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