Batman The Animated Series has been named one of the top animated programs of all time, on numerous occasions. It...
retired account Aug 19, 2014
With 4.3 million copies sold in 2010, The Hunger Games rapidly became a cultural phenomenon. Its popularity tripled after the...
REBGuest Aug 3, 2014
The trailer for the upcoming live-action adaption for the 1998 anime short film Kite has received a lot of negativity from the...
Jordan Jul 2, 2014
The film adaptation of the mildly popular series Artemis Fowl, by Eoin Colfer, has been in development hell since way...
retired account Jun 25, 2014
*Spoilers ahead for The Hunger Games Trilogy* Suzanne Collins has captured the hearts of people around the world with her...
Jemarc Axinto Jun 24, 2014
The Mighty Marvel Machine keeps cranking out box office hits. Next up to bat is Guardians of the Galaxy. Guardians...
Jamie Tracy Jun 20, 2014
Even though there are users on the forums who say they only started watching the Pokemon anime in 2013,...
Jordan May 3, 2014
This post contains spoilers. In 2010, French graphic artist, Julie Maroh published the graphic novel Blue is the Warmest Color. The...
Ryan Westhoff May 3, 2014
In many ways, Woody Allen's quote encompasses all the main elements that make Billy Wilder's Double Indemnity (Paramount Pictures, USA,...
REBGuest Mar 15, 2014
Winning an Oscar for Best Writing, Emma Thompson's Sense and Sensibility is critically acclaimed for its adaptation of the classic...
PerkAlert Mar 4, 2014