Analysis of the Creative Writing Process

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The Effect of Language on the Creative Writing Process

Writing is a cognitive process that is influenced by the language a writer uses. For example, a writer taking part in the writing process through English may experience a different kind of writing process when writing in Japanese. The word choice or precision may vary, and the writer may have to figure out different strategies to engage with their writing process.

For this topic, the topic taker should consider some of these similarities and differences in writing processes through a cross-cultural lens. What cultural aspects of a language could influence the way that a person approaches their tone or how they convey their writing process? Is there a middle ground among cultures when it comes to partaking in the cognitive task of the writing process? For example, would Western authors have similar writing processes to each other more so than non-Western writers, or would Western and non-Western writers have more in common with their creative writing process? How might word choice influence the writer's process, particularly if the language is more limited in how descriptive it is? Finally, how would different cultural mythologies or other stories influence a writer in their process?

Links to get started:

Effective Strategies for writing in an L1 and an L2: (link) main aim of this,across languages and text types.

How words shape thoughts and emotions: (link) and other fields of,favour one decision or another.

How Culture Shapes Creativity: (link) is believed to indirectly,same creative process across cultures.

  • My favorite authors who wrote and published in their second language: Vladimir Nabokov & Milan Kundera. – T. Palomino 5 days ago
  • I tried to remove the links and update the post, and this strange formatting happened, sorry! – SiothrĂșn 2 days ago