Postmodern detective fiction crosses a wide array of mediums, including – but not limited to – literature, film, and television....
AutamnDarling Jan 29, 2016
Not only has Whiteness been perpetuated in Hollywood but through the White Savior genre, Whiteness is deified. The White Savior...
Munjeera Jan 26, 2016
There are few good ways of introducing a game with the immense fan base and viral sensation of Five Nights...
N.D. Storlid Jan 16, 2016
Everyone wants to feel important in some way, and the interactions with family and friends help mold our future importance. However,...
Aaron Hatch Dec 21, 2015
It would be strange for any of us to question, with enough finality to afford asking, the liveliness of the...
N.D. Storlid Dec 11, 2015
Imposters are everywhere in this world that we all live in. You have more than likely been friends with an...
Diego Santoyo Nov 14, 2015
After 19 seasons on the air, South Park is still going strong. It has evolved in many ways since its...
Jamie White Nov 11, 2015
"Do you play [Super] Smash [Bros.]?" This question perhaps is the one bit of information needed to convince gamers to join a...
washo Oct 19, 2015
In the cult horror film American Psycho directed by Mary Harron, and originally a novel written by Bret Easton Ellis,...
ChrisKeene Oct 1, 2015
Since the ending of World War Two, America gained it's power and dominance as the epoch of western society. Prosperous...
Valeria Sharivker Sep 9, 2015