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    Love and Marriage in Japan

    In Japan, the ideologies behind "love" are a little different than that of the United States. Through television and film – which are the primary sources of information on both cultures, outside of individual research – How is the culture and moral beliefs portrayed in affect to how people view "love" in either country? And how does that affect marriages? How do the customs of each country delegate the reasons behind marriage, and does that affect the ideologies behind "love"? Is there a difference between what is being portrayed through the media and what is true to the culture?

    • This would be quite an interesting topic. The author would have to do a lot of research to understand the concept of love in a different country! They could also talk about how we, as Americans, view their habits of relationships, and how we interpret Japanese love in our literature or films – carleydauria 9 years ago
    • It will also be interesting to see how such cultural practices differ between those living in Japan and Japanese-Americans. Miki Crawford has written an interesting book on Japanese war brides in America; for those who might be interested in writing about this topic. – aferozan 9 years ago
    • There is a lot of literature out there that chronicles the switch in emphasis in western culture from marriage as an economic union, to a 'love match' – louisestupar 9 years ago

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    I love that you discuss the importance of diversity among the relationships in this anime. I was just watching the reboot, Sailor Moon Crystal, the other day and I was thinking that it was interesting that the main reason Usagi approaches or takes an interest in the main cast is that she finds herself attracted to them in some way – thinking that Ami was pretty when she smiled, being struck by Mako’s beauty and the smell of her perfume after being physically close to her, and thinking that Rei was the most beautiful girl she had ever seen. In fact, it’s the only reason why Usagi gets on the bus with Ami – Ami told Usagi that there was a beautiful girl from another school that rode the bus frequently. Usagi even drooled and had heart eyes over Rei.
    I’m not trying to suggest anything about Usagi’s sexuality, but I will say that I have a newfound appreciation for the way these girl’s relationships are portrayed in this show. And on a more personal level, I’m glad that Sailor Moon was the very first anime I ever got into because it’s relationships like these that made me fall in love with anime and storytelling, and has guided the kind of close relationships I’ve built in real life.

    Sailor Moon is More

    KyoAni is one of my very favorite studios! This is an amazingly interesting look at how the company functions and how they differ from many of the other main-stream studios. It has only made me love them even more! Lovely article!

    Ten Years of Kyoto Animation: Missed Tricks and Lasting Hits

    I love how you introduced us to the genre and then expanded your argument to a specific type of series within that genre. The anime you chose to analyze are all amazing, and perfectly suited for your argument! I believe the Slice of Life genre have become rather underrated, lately. This is a very interesting argument to show its diversity and uniqueness! Very well written; well done!

    Slice of Life Anime: Insane Sanity

    I agree that the fan service is rather unnecessary, and I appreciate your opinion, as it is a popular one. But, as I have mentioned before, my main reason for writing this article was to show others that there is a tangible plot and to analyze the intelligence behind it, so that it doesn’t have a completely bad rap for all the boobs and panties. But, I appreciate your comment, and thank you for taking the time to read my article!

    No Game No Life: Post-Modern Detectives

    I agree! While the fan service was rather distracting, I appreciate those who can acknowledge the quality behind the plot. Thank you for reading and for your comment!

    No Game No Life: Post-Modern Detectives

    I agree with you, the fanservuce was a bit distracting, but my main reason for this analysis was to show others that there is a tangible plot, and there is intelligence behind all of it. I’d like people to start looking past the fan service before judging the quality of the anime. Thank you so much for reading, and for your comment!

    No Game No Life: Post-Modern Detectives

    Thank you so very much! I have actually been planning on watching that anime- hopefully I will get around to it sometime soon! Thank you for reading!

    No Game No Life: Post-Modern Detectives

    I appreciate your comment, and your opinion on the anime. This kind of anime isn’t always for everyone! But, thank you for taking the time to read my article, I appreciate it!

    No Game No Life: Post-Modern Detectives