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In writing, is it more important to create or to perfect?

What is more important when writing:
The Creative Process?
The perfection of structure, language usage, and grammar?

  • I think it would be interesting to approach this topic by examining the creative process in its entirety, i.e. the importance of creativity versus perfection when coming up with the idea in the first place, creativity versus perfection when writing a first draft and creativity versus perfection when editing. – PhoebeLupton 7 years ago
  • I tend to agree with Phoebe's comments. In my case when I write the first draft it's very much in the 'stream of consciousness' vein, just letting it all flow out and getting the ideas down on paper (or screen) before they vanish. If we edit as we go then we tend to over-edit and be too self-critical. My advice is write with your 'right brain', then edit with your 'left brain'. Oh, and a good cup of coffee helps too :) – Amyus 7 years ago
  • I agree with the comments above; the creative process and the perfection of structure complement each other and each act is more useful than the other at different stages of the writing process. However, I think that there's another interesting question implied by this topic: which draft features the writer's most sincere and authentic voice: the intuitive, free-flowing, and spontaneous first draft, or the meticulously crafted final draft? – Vertov.Isou 7 years ago
  • Nice topic, but perhaps a bit too broad? I'd narrow in on a subtopic that deals with both creation and perfecting, such as how and when to make your inner editor be quiet. – Stephanie M. 7 years ago
  • Forget perfection, you'll never write. I've seen colleagues over the years waiting to do their magnus opus and they still haven't written. Writing leads to better writing and better writing to even better writing. – Joseph Cernik 7 years ago
  • This is a good question, I agree with Joseph Cernik that if you're aiming for perfection than you'll never write. You'd scare yourself off before you even pick the pen up. With saying that it is still important to always edit and re-edit your work. And Remember keep on writing! – Kylie27 7 years ago
  • intriguing, but i think im going to have to say create. polish is polish. – Glimmerkill 7 years ago
  • I was reading Stephen King's 'On Writing' the other day, and cannot but feel that if the thing doesn't exist, it cannot be perfect. Much like Vertov.Isou's comment, the drafting process often contains the authors real and true intensions, their most sincere and authentic voice. In this way, the creative process is so much more important than the perfection of the writing. – Hodge 6 years ago