Spirited Away is a vibrant coming-of-age story rich with the imagery of Japanese fantasy. It tells the story of the...
Elliot Brunk Aug 1, 2022
With comparatively few exceptions, the sensibilities of anime as a medium seem to grate against the standards by which most...
demogorgonzola Jun 22, 2017
Every fandom has a dark side. This is nothing new. For every aspect of fandom where people can demonstrate a...
Joe Manduke Jul 23, 2016
Repetition. The very word makes people look up. When a movie or book is accused of repetition, it is often...
Adnan Bey Aug 10, 2015
Hayao Miyazaki’s film, Spirited Away, depicts the journey of a young girl, Chihiro, into the spirit world, the loss of...
CriticalOtaku Nov 29, 2014
Sometimes within the sea of a film discussion, a rare, open minded adult will ask me, "What anime is good?"....
Jordan Jun 19, 2014
Studio Ghibli's Hayao Miyazaki has threatened to retire many times, but it seems like this might be definite. "I am...
Jordan Mar 7, 2014
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind is more commonly recognized as the 1984 feature film from Top Craft, which later gave birth...
Jordan May 1, 2013
Even in the anime world it's hard to find viewers who have seen Studio Ghibli's limited release titles. You may wonder...
Jordan Apr 18, 2013
It is almost an irony that there are people today who know who Hayao Miyazaki is, but still go blank...
Jordan Mar 22, 2013