In 1931 Universal Pictures released one of its definite horror films, Frankenstein, starring Boris Karloff. Born William Henry Pratt in...
retired account Jul 20, 2014
Twin Peaks was a short-lived ABC series created by the legendary film-maker David Lynch and writer Mark Frost which ran for two...
Matthew Sims Jun 27, 2014
Gone Home is a slight, first-person adventure game, something of an “art game” with its focus on untraditional game narrative,...
Nilson Thomas Carroll Jun 17, 2014
Critics of the cinema have been around for as long as cinema itself. During private screenings they are silent observers,...
Matt Collazo Apr 30, 2014
Horror films have been a part of my life since I first became interested in cinema. Having been squeamish throughout...
A B Apr 19, 2014
In the April 4, 2014 issue of Entertainment Weekly, journalist Mark Harris writes an editorial titled “Less Is More When...
Art Posocco Mar 31, 2014
The Hollywood remake is a curious thing - curious in the sense it's either the dog's dinner or the dog's...
Dale Barham Jan 28, 2014
You're Next is the latest feature from up-and-coming director Adam Wingard, whose back catalogue includes everything from horrific gore-fests (Home Sick,...
David Tatlow Sep 9, 2013
Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire tracks the tale of love and loss, friend and foe and light and dark...
Lisa Lee Jul 10, 2013
NBC's Hannibal is a television adaptation of the infamous tale of Dr. Hannibal Lecter. For those of you who are unfamiliar...
Sophie Wise Jun 27, 2013