Most classic literature revolves around elements such as irony, symbolism, allusion, allegory, personification, or metaphor developed over an extended sequence of pages....
L:Freire Nov 6, 2018
Here is something that happened during my most recent play-through of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: While running...
alexbolano92 Sep 6, 2018
Philosophy is the study of the "big" questions of life. Questions like, "What is the true nature of reality?", "What...
alexbolano92 May 13, 2018
When it is asked that we name the elements of literature, rarely is conflict the first and immediate answer to...
N.D. Storlid Jan 8, 2018
The word "love" has a variety of meanings. A person can say "I love my mom," "I love my sister,"...
noahspud Nov 27, 2017
The art of projecting an image or conveying character in any professional or artistic field can be demanding for a...
L:Freire Sep 4, 2017
Throughout human existence the study of science and history has stifled the natural human aversion to accepted, uneducated assumption and...
JulieCMillay May 28, 2017
In the period of the high Baroque several artists emerged that would make their mark on the western painting tradition...
Jonathan Judd Apr 23, 2017
The history of trolling is a history of rhetoric. This particular history of rhetoric is steeped in philosophy and mythology,...
Matt Sautman Apr 12, 2017
There is an important question with regards to morality in video-games: how does a game developer successfully implement the complex and...
Daonso Mar 7, 2017