The year is 1933. A young boy and his parents go to Grauman's Chinese Theatre. They take their seats as...
James Sep 27, 2019
Relations between North and South Korea have been strained on several occasions. Back in the early 2010s, for example, there...
Elpis1988 Aug 23, 2019
It is a right of passage. The first horror film. Every Halloween, millions sit down to watch or rewatch movies...
agramugl Jan 2, 2017
It would be strange for any of us to question, with enough finality to afford asking, the liveliness of the...
N.D. Storlid Dec 11, 2015
Most anime fans know what Digimon is, but not many are aware of how it started. The best selling electronic...
Jordan Nov 21, 2015
In superhero comics, there are certain character roles a reader would expect. The hero, the super villain, the love interest,...
retired account Apr 3, 2015
Seventy-three years ago, Wonder Woman made her debut in All-Star Comics #8. Created by psychologist turned inventor William Moulton Marston,...
retired account Jan 19, 2015
As Glee returns to our television screens this January, It's about time we look at the rise and fall of...
Wilson Allen Williams Dec 28, 2014
When we play a video game today, we often expect that we will have to collect some kind of object...
Daniel Dec 9, 2014
*Spoilers for the 1995 Super Nintendo title, Chrono Trigger.* Looking back on it after nearly twenty years, the world as it was...
K.W. Colyard Nov 5, 2014