Hayao Miyazaki’s film, Spirited Away, depicts the journey of a young girl, Chihiro, into the spirit world, the loss of...
CriticalOtaku Nov 29, 2014
Spoilers ahead for The Babadook, Hide & Seek, and Shutter Island. The Babadook, debut of writer/director Jennifer Kent, was released...
Spencer Nov 19, 2014
With the limitless opportunities for intellectual exploration and convenient communication the Internet offers man, one might expect an age even...
Nick Nov 18, 2014
Love is often associated with warm feelings and butterflies rising in one’s stomach because he or she is nervous about...
Siothrún Nov 17, 2014
In Jhonen Vasquez’s seven issue comic series Johnny the Homicidal Maniac (JTHM) the protagonist is a literary monster who takes the form...
Liz Havens Nov 16, 2014
I remember the first time I saw The Kid with a Bike, the Dardenne brothers striking look at child development....
Michael Clancy Nov 15, 2014
It is a surreal, validating experience to find oneself reproduced in the writing of another; this is doubly true when...
Scott Folsom Nov 12, 2014
It is hard to culturally examine pop music in 2013 without including the impact of the singer/songwriter Ella Marija Lani...
Jimmy Haver Nov 9, 2014
Caution, spoilers for A Clockwork Orange ahead. The use of the female body for more then cheap, sexual entertainment and instead as a...
IAmQuigg Nov 8, 2014
*Spoilers for the 1995 Super Nintendo title, Chrono Trigger.* Looking back on it after nearly twenty years, the world as it was...
K.W. Colyard Nov 5, 2014