Full Metal Alchemist is one of the most acclaimed anime and manga franchises of recent years. One reason for this...
Joe Manduke Jun 7, 2015
Frank Miller is one of the most influential writers in comic book history. His influence on the medium began in...
Joe Manduke Jun 5, 2015
Have you ever wondered why films based on socio-political drama rarely perform bad? Arguably not financially, but besides being praised...
Abhimanyu Shekhar Jun 4, 2015
There has been a lot of speculation surrounding Zack Snyder's Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice surrounding handfuls of characters,...
Jamie White Jun 1, 2015
An African American, a Hispanic American, a White American, and an Innocent Child are sitting in a room when a...
orenhammerquist Apr 2, 2015
Doctor Who has won the hearts of countless viewers over the years, despite its sometimes ridiculously unrealistic aliens and settings. Many...
dannyjs Mar 11, 2015
Five ordinary teenagers with snazzy outfits and a loose interpretation of the phrase "grammatically correct" came into the mainstream and...
uhstevedude Mar 6, 2015
*** WARNING! This article could contain spoilers for the upcoming Episode VII *** A familiar-looking desert planet. A hero in...
Francesca Turauskis Jan 24, 2015
It has been a very exciting, albeit controversial, year for gamers. With the release of the Playstation 4 (PS4) and...
Jemarc Axinto Dec 27, 2014
Major Spoilers for both Arrow and The Flash ahead. The CW is really taking strides in the superhero genre this year. With Arrow’s third...
Tyler McPherson Oct 14, 2014