Undergrad. English Major with a concentration in Creative Writing. I write Urban Fantasy and short stories and specialize in comic culture.
Junior Contributor I
Trope vs StereotypeAnalyze the tangible, yet thin, line between a Trope and a Stereotype. There seems to be a lot of reviewers in media who cannot tell the difference and I find it odd that people have yet to distinct the two, especially as it relates to modern TV shows in a post-Shonda Rhymes era of television. This can expand beyond television and maybe inspect how it fringes upon film and literature as well.
Death as Inspiration in Comics | |
![]() I’ve wondered why Death is always a tool by writers in comics to motivate a character, similar to why almost every Disney princess is an orphan, it’s just really weird that ambition and relevance is associated with an absolute force like death– especially in comics where death is violated by every single Hero at one point or another; a world where death is a suggestion and not a command. | Death as Inspiration in Comics |
![]() Jason Momoa will be portraying Aquaman in the movies, which I am really excited about. I guess they got the feedback on making Aqualad black from the Young Justice series and decided to take that and revamp the character to have more of an appeal to audiences. I feel going a culturally diverse direction with Aquaman would probably improve the audience’s outlook onto him. | Aquaman: The Underrated Hero |
![]() They should have gave the comics more distance. I feel disgusted that it got canceled. David (Prodigy) was one of my favorite mutants, and then they went and made him ten times better. Then the whole Demiurge deal was amazing, looks like we may have another Phoenix-like saga coming up. | Young Avengers and Its Portrayal of Diversity |
Isn’t it odd how death is such a strong force of motivation for Comic characters when Comic characters themselves are never explicitly controlled by death. Death defines their morals but death isn’t applied to them. They’re resurrected more times than Jesus himself.