The horror genre has always functioned both as entertainment and social commentary. It often reflects not only our deep-seated fears, but our...
Jane Harkness May 25, 2014
Patriarchal images of women who dominate Victorian literature typify the often debated binary oppositions -- “madwoman in the attic” and...
Maria the Writer Apr 28, 2014
In every modern art history class students learn about abstract expressionism by studying the major artists involved in the movement....
KimSw Apr 13, 2014
Out of all the things America is known for, its use of advertising may seem like an insignificant blurb. Compared...
Samantha Swantek Apr 11, 2014
Vampires are so ever-present in our society that they've practically become a part of the cultural zeitgeist of the 21st...
Robert Humphrey Mar 11, 2014
Situational comedies, or sitcoms, tend to be viewed as bottom of the barrel, low-art television. They feature predictable plots, obvious...
Nilson Thomas Carroll Mar 10, 2014
The so-called silent era officially spanned from 1895 to 1927, even though those dates are still controversial, from the first...
Paula Nov 15, 2012