
The influence between movies and reality

I propose an article that examines the influence movies have over people’s actions in reality.

  • An excellent very broad topic. It, obviously, needs focus. Do people act in public certain ways because they saw those actions in movies and believed it was acceptable to act that way? I always wondered with all the movies showing drivers turning to their right to, at times, spend a great deal of time looking at the person in the passenger seat, how many people actually driving believe it is acceptable to do that? Or, there has been a significant decline in Americans smoking, has this been the influence of movies showing less smoking by actors? So specific questions would help here. – Joseph Cernik 4 years ago
  • Well, this debate is very difficult, if your question is whether there is any influence or not then the answer is a resounding yes, however, considering the fact that many elements in a movie is itself based on real life that it gets difficult to attribute any responsibility on these movies because they are not meant to be mimicked. At Last, it is about how informed a person is about the consequences of doing anything in public irrespective of whether you picked it off a movie or from elsewhere. – Abhilash 4 years ago
  • A topic like this could cover a broad range of influences. From the way a movie has a 'moral' that viewers learn from, to the way, after watching a movie, viewers pick up speech patterns or mannerisms from their favourite characters. This article has the potential to cover a LOT. – Samantha Leersen 4 years ago
  • This is a good topic as film is often a slight form of social comemntary on society, but I do agree that this needs more focus on social context. – Amatur18 4 years ago
  • Can certain movies be blamed for criminal acts. One good example is how Natural Born Killers inspired Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris to carry out the Columbine Shooting – kitty22 3 years ago

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