
The Night Of..What Exactly is the Overall Message of the Series?

The Night of is currently airing on HBO as an miniseries consisting of 8 parts, but due to the successful following there are now talks–similar to what happened with True Detective–to now having a 2nd season. The miniseries, which began talks in 2012, with the late James Gandolfini slated to star, is based on the BBC miniseries Criminal Justices (2008-2009). The series follows the events of a young american-pakistani's night out, and the repercussions that occur following the events of this night that, as conveyed to the audience, are a blur. Numerous themes are explored adding to the multitude of audiences responding to the series, ranging from racial prejudices, problems with the judicial system, economic hardships, and questions of morality as well as ethical responsibilities.What theme do you believe resonates most with audiences that is making this series such an overnight success? And if you are able to pinpoint one specific theme, please explain how it is able to resonate with a vast multitude of varying audience members.

  • I haven't seen this miniseries but it sounds like an excellent premise. One more reason to love Netflix. I would look forward to reading an article on this topic but first I will binge watch it. – Munjeera 8 years ago
  • It's actually on HBO and I'm forced to wait a week between each episode, making me realize how dependent I've become on binge watching accessible devices such as Netflix and and Amazon Prime! First world problems! – danielle577 8 years ago
  • Thanks! I have to watch it this summer before the fall. Thanks for the info. : ) – Munjeera 8 years ago
  • I've been watching HBO's "The Night Of" and I am enjoying it. Initially, it reminded me of the podcast "Serial" and the Adnan Syed case in that the story focuses on a Pakistani-American male murder suspect, but beyond that, the two programs are very different. I think that the themes you suggest are resonating with different audiences and the ensemble cast allows viewers to see themselves in the different characters. That's what makes it so good: there but for the grace of God go I. I haven't seen HBO's audience breakdown for the show, but I suspect it crosses genders, age groups, and socio-economic status. For example: * Young men and women see themselves in Nasir. May they had an issue in school or a bad decision that followed them around the rest of their life -- something they could never quite get out from under; maybe they've experienced racial prejudice or profiling; maybe they've been unjustly accused; or maybe they haven't experienced these things, but fear it happening. * Hard-working, middle-class parents gravitate to Selim & Safar Kahn, parents of the Nasir. Some parents' greatest fear are the wrong-place-wrong-time consequences their child may face as a result of one bad decision. These same folks may also sympathize with Jack Stone, Helen Weiss, and Det. Lucas: people who are trying to do a difficult job the best way they know how and looking forward to the day they might be able to retire. But beyond that, it's simply a good mystery, good storytelling, and quality TV content that HBO is famous for. I highly recommend it. – CSSorber 8 years ago

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