
The Rise of Murder-Mystery and Romance Novels

Analyze the ever growing prevalence of murder-mystery and romance novels. Why are these genres currently the most popular genre? What kind of audience do they appeal to the most? Is this causing other genres (like fantasy or science fiction) to lose readership?

  • This is a very large topic by approaching both formats, it would perhaps be good to either look at the rise in hybrids of such genres or in fact choose one or the other. I think your concept of looking at why such formulaic genres have risen in popularity over other imaginative genres is interesting. However, you do need to be aware that fantasy and sci-fi has always only been a niche genre and is not considered mainstream fiction, which always tends to hold a greater market share. Perhaps it is worth looking at how why mainstream fiction has always been dominated by the sales of murder-mystery and romance over other genres? An interesting topic. – SaraiMW 7 years ago

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