Video Game High School 2 is Coming!


High quality entertainment is increasing coming from the internet, and no content demonstrates this better than Video Game High School. VGHS is from the mind of popular YouTuber Freddie Wong who is known for high quality pop culture shorts andĀ has overĀ 780 million video views and over 4.5 million subscribers. Video Game High School is an action-comedy episodic web series on the freddiew YouTube channel,, and is also available on Netflix. In VGHS, unassuming gamer Brian Doheny gets a lucky shot in a first person Call of Duty-like shooter (FPS) on celebrity gamer “The Law” in a world where professional gaming is the most popular phenomenon. This lucky shot grants him a place in the prestigious Video Game High School, where Brian finds The Law out to humiliate and expel him. Watch it here.

Such quality is relatively unseen in internet projects outside of large studio productions such as 343’s Forward Unto Dawn. With well-rendered graphics and excellent actors help made VGHS an outstanding success spawning a second season. Freddie Wong has since launched a VGHS Season 2 Kickstarter, which according to its creators has become Kickstarter’s highest backed campaign for film and television. Freddie says in the YouTube video below that production has already started -paying out of pocket before collecting money from the Kickstarter and will be coming out with short videos on the freddiew channel in the meantime. Backers of the Kickstarter will get exclusive content including a Blu-ray copy with cover art at $30, a poster at $50, and more signed gifts at higher levels. The Kickstarter ends Feb 11th, so get to it now if you wish to participate. If anything else, look forward to which is sure to be an awesome production paying tribute to the world of video games.

See the VGHS Update Video here.

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J. Bryan Jones is a prospective writer-editor in both prose and graphic novel media. He created "Leather Wing Media" and currently lives in Los Angeles, CA.

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  1. Michelle Webb

    Interesting topic, something I did not know anything about until now. Thank you!

  2. Sounds rather meta: video-game-like in a video game world.

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