
Writing on Reddit: “The Front Page of Creative Writing” on the Internet

Reddit, the self proclaimed “Front Page of the Internet” and the world’s 21st most popular website, is a lot more than just a place to read news and discuss randomness, with even more random people, from around the world. Buried deep amongst the tens of thousands of subreddits, is a creative writing community that’s the most exciting and imaginitive of aanything you’ll read on the web. With writing prompts, original poetry, cereals, and short scary stories, the content is refreshingly bizarre and undeniably brilliant. This topic would take a deep dive into the most popular creative writing subreddits, and show where the true heart of the best, and most engaging stories, are born.

  • This reads a little like an ad or recommendation. Can you discuss the history of Reddit, and maybe some of the pros/cons of the website as a writing medium? What about the concept of a "subreddit" as a community makes it different from other platforms, like WattPad, LiveJournal, Figment, or Scribd? And what makes these stories "the most engaging" compared to other sites--is it the community, the writers, or the kinds of topics discussed on these subreddits that are inherently different? I would try to back up your claims with some statistics, polls, or other facts to make a salient argument. – Eden 5 years ago
  • I would also look at the pros and cons of using reddit. – BMartin43 5 years ago
  • Really? Reddit as a place to get news and seeing it as a creative community? Seems that needs substance to be accepted. This sounds more public relations than detached analysis. – Joseph Cernik 5 years ago

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