
The phenomenon of the Pokemon franchise

Chronicle and explain how the Pokemon franchise exploded from its birth until the present day, including any speedbumps and mistakes along the way.

  • Some things to consider: innovative gameplay, use of new technology to reward interactivity, cross-media integration. – Austin 10 years ago
  • This article could also have an opinionated end drive: "so... when should pokemon STOP?" As a child who grew up on pokemon and still loves the games as an adult, I find the tv show just silly. There are only so many adventures to be had, until they just redo them with new characters and different pokemon. And the pokemon they are coming up with now are getting watered down... the trash pokemon, the diaper pokemon, the fetus pokemon... When will it all become too much? Are they milking the franchise? – Slaidey 10 years ago
  • Pokemon has a very special place in our hearts, and analyzing the reasons in a well written article would be an interesting read. Besides that, I wholly agree with Slaidey's comment and have nothing more to add. Just read that comment twice for me. SO TRUE. "Are they milking the franchise" could be well explored, and this topic in all is a perfect topic. – Abhimanyu Shekhar 10 years ago
  • I think it would also be cool to talk about how the players have evolved alongside the new technology/gameplay involved in the franchise e.g. how once upon a time, we're all having some light fun training a Pikachu by defeating anything and everything that comes along, and the next minute we're dedicating whole forums to EV Values and Shiny Egg Farming. – Isaac Bernamont 10 years ago
  • Pokemon was the first anime/gaming property that was released after my birth. I've enjoyed both the anime series and video games since. The questions I think are important is what draws fans to the series? What keeps us playing? As they add more and more Pokemon will there be a point when it becomes too much? – Jiraiyan 10 years ago
  • Man, I can't even imagine a world WITHOUT Pokemon. I was born the same year the first Pokemon game came out in Japan, so I have zero perspective on that. You might also want to compare it to other cultural phenomena if you can; the West sure has it's phases. – Helmet 10 years ago
  • While I'm also an avid fan of Pokemon--I lived my childhood in Pokemon Ruby--this topic seems far too broad to be sanctioned into just one article. You could write an entire book entailing the rise of Pokemon from the late nineties to its status in the present-day world. And what do you mean by "speedbumps and mistakes"? Financial miscalculations? Creative errors? Repetitive repetitiveness? Anyone of these could be turned into an article of its own. Personally, I see this as a possible series of articles exploring the various trials and tribulations of the franchise as a whole. It seems that, much like the beloved series itself, you could milk this thing for quite some time, so I wouldn't go condensing pages worth of content into a single article. – JKKN 9 years ago
  • I agree with JKKN that this topic is very broad. The idea of a series of pieces on the franchise is good, but I think you could possibly narrow your idea down to be a paper on the latest games vs. the earliest, and how the franchise has changed to fit into an evolving marketplace of gamers. – Kathleen Lassiter 9 years ago
  • I spent a fortune on these cards for my older son and nicknamed it "Expensimon." Thankfully, the craze died out by the time my younger son was born. All other franchises are milking their "great" 20 even 30 year old ideas, so why shouldn't Pokémon cash in? Maybe all those cards I bought will be worth something one day. I live in hope : ) – Munjeera 9 years ago
  • I also agree with JKKN, especially since the Pokémon franchise has so many aspects: the television series, the trading card game, the video games, etc. A series of articles would definitely cover this topic better, as there are too many nuances to address in a single article. – handerson 9 years ago

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