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Why movie adaptations of video games are always expected to fail and what can be done to amend this

analyse the current trend of video game to movie adaptations and why they fail to perform in the box office; also make suggestions on what could be done to improve future adaptations.

  • I will note that not all are "expected to fail," but that yes with the failure of many there has become an overwhelming sense of despair in relation to this. To deal with this discussion the concept of "failure" will need to be outlined, as since films like Tomb Raider were not financial or popular failures, but many game players felt it was (as did many feminists but for different reasons). Also films such as the Resident Evil series are categorically not failures. So part of the discussion would include what the success stories are and what made them different to the other obvious failures such as - Warcraft, Assassin's Creed, The Angry Bird's Movie (although seriously!!!) – SaraiMW 7 years ago
  • To further add to this, it might be worth going back a few years when video games were just starting to become mainstream and adaptations of various games were starting become the norm – AidanGuagliardo 7 years ago
  • I feel this expectation is fundamentally tied to the vast difference between film storytelling and videogame storytelling. Depending on the director and creative team, both can be dealed with in various ways, but it is the way that people absorb these mediums what will always remain in duality: films are passively watched and videogames are actively played. I think this will always make the transition from videogame to movie feel less than its original source. Another thing to keep in mind is that creative works such as videogames tend to harvest what one could call hardcore fans and although this is true for probably anything in this world (train fanatics, car alarm fanatics, cricket fanatics...), when you have this medium where your actions unfold the story, or in the simplest cases you're controlling a jumping figure going through trial and error until you get to the final stage, people build a connection to its digital world that could be a very emotional one (with nostalgia playing a giant factor in many cases). Fans like these will hardly accept a mediocre movie about the franchise they love. Even the movie adaptation of Silent Hill, one of the most well-recieved adapations, is called out for its use of monsters that kind of go against the franchise's lore. – Pigman08 6 years ago

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there is a tomb raider movie in the works starring Alicia Vikander and is set for release in 2018, but it is based in the 2013 reboot so i am rather hesitant about it.

The Metamorphoses of Lara Croft

especially when you have to pay an arm and a leg to get the main game, and then you have to sell your other arm and leg to get the rest of the game that the developers decided not to add before release so they can squeeze us for more money.
Not all of us have money to spare!

Naughty Dog Doin' it Right: How to Bring a Series to an End

it is worth trying again, especially since the show is nearing its season 3 finally. although i recommend not watching it on its own, you’ll get more enjoyment out of it if you watch arrow, and legends of tomorrow (one of their newest shows) at the same time

"The Flash" as the Modern Equivalent of 1960's "Batman"