Callum Benson

Contributing writer for The Artifice.

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The socially dividing influence of mother! A controversial classic, or true utter garbage?

When mother! was released earlier this year, it created an inescapable schism between those who saw an ever-shifting always-engaging artistic study of human nature and creationism, and those who saw an over-bloated pretentious meaningless mess of a film with nothing to say. What can the praisers and detractors agree on?

  • There had been a few reviews on this at the time, but nothing in the months after its release. I applaud you in creating a new spin on this with a comparative format not persuasive. – AbbyMay 7 years ago

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I don’t think that the second season of True Detective was wholly disappointing. With any other title or channel, it might’ve received great acclaim. The first season just set expectations so high.

True Detective: The Road Ahead

I really think that Steve should have died in Civil War. It made logical sense and it would have added any sort of stake or emotional engagement to that film. Paralyzing a supporting character and a short fight in a car park showed us that Marvel Studios care more about money than satisfying fan’s expectations.

Why Steve Rogers Should Die in Avengers: Infinity War

As a single-player gamer, I often find myself more engaged in a story if there is some form of narrative bind stimulating my emotions. Games such as the Call of Duty franchise have become less and less appealing to me over the years, as I’ve gotten an understanding of the importance of character development, and the link to engagement.

Autism to Artistic Integrity: Do Video Games Need Good Plotting?