

Junior student at EUP who enjoys analyzing various types of media through the eyes of a lesbian.

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    Queerbating in Anime

    Queerbating is the attempt to reel in viewers by providing false hints that there is a potentially queer relationship. One example is Sound Euphonium, a series about high schoolers playing instruments where two seem to have an almost-lesbian ending.
    Is it harmful to the queer community? Or is it helpful that at least we get a little representation? Do writers/producers do it because they respect us but have to censor themselves or because they really just want a variety of viewers?

    • This is an interesting topic. I think you need to look at the history of homosexuality in Japan, Yaoi, and Yuri. For example, the medieval Warlord had homosexual relationship with their favored Samurais to ensure their loyalties while legally married to wives. With such historical evidences, the perception of homosexuality will be different from Western point of view, so it will require some cultural studies to explore this topic – idleric 8 years ago

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    The layout of this article was pretty humorous. In reality, though, the harem genre is pretty harmful to everyone but more particularly to young girls watching these popular shows. Almost every female in the harem genre is portrayed as dumb-in-love (heavy on the “dumb”). Sorry, but your female friends do not exist to fall in love with you, average-looking-male-with-no-personality.

    Harem Anime and Manga - Expectations vs. Reality

    I often have the desire to reread a book, and there’s typically a 50/50 chance on whether I like it more or less. Sometimes I play up the scenes too much the first time, but after the second read, the suspense falls flat and my opinion lessens. However, rereading can also allow me to recognize more foreshadowing, symbolism (my favorite), or other devices the author adds in.
    Another con for me is that I could be using the time rereading a book to read a new book!

    Why Reread Books? The Pros and Cons of Rereading

    I totally agree. Yuri has always been one of my favorite genres, but with the stereotypes and tropes, it makes it really hard to actually find something good and relatable rather than something entirely sexual. Because the relationship between two women is something very complex and somewhat uncommon, I feel like stories and their conflicts should be the same.

    Yuri: An Indepth Look at Women in Love