Cory MacRae

Student. Aspiring Writer. Procrastinator Extraordinaire.

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    Modern literature: the video game plot

    Looking at many modern top-selling video games the focus on plot development is a key selling feature. An analysis on different genres of video games should be taken into consideration. Do many gamers, both casual and dedicated, rely on plot when choosing their games; does it effect the industry to base the game on plot and do they help us learn things more effectively than reading?

    • Video games/cyber games seem to offer a future literary path. There is something literary to them. I think it is the future. – Jeffery Moser 9 years ago
    • Looking into the ludology versus narratology debate could be helpful for this article, particularly in answering the question of whether gamers rely on plot when choosing what to play. – Prongsley 9 years ago
    • There's a whole other level to story telling in games that books don't allow for. While readers can get invested in the plot and characters of a novel, video games allow for the player to take control of the story. At best, books will grip you and have you speculating what might happen next, while games allow the player to decide what to do, and experience the consequences of the chosen action. While I don't think that games will replace books or that either medium if better than the other, I think the individual experiences of reading and gaming are what make them unique and enjoyable and need to be considered when you compare the two. – tbarker 9 years ago

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    A hero’s performance can only be as good as the villain’s performance. Marvel, as the most monetized superhero genre, has both the luck and the misfortune of testing out villains as they have never really been portrayed before in cinema. To this effect, it seems that in being the pioneer of the genre they can be forgiven for shoddy villains as much as they can be blamed for them; as sales and criticism of Marvel’s villains progress there will be a huge influx of well-written, charismatic, terrifyingly identifiable, and, most importantly, entertaining villains but only at the cost of some big villain names. And who knows, maybe we can take notes from the X-men franchise and follow different timelines in the interest of saving some franchises.

    The Marvel Cinematic Villains: What Makes a Memorable Antagonist?

    Poetry, you beautiful, dying, experimental medium of creative expression. I ask the question of poetry and how will it evolve? It seems that a poem can only gain real traction in the public eye through the medium of animation, music and branding. I’ll admit to not being unable to retain my attention on a book of poetry where there are other mediums available. The “To This Day Project” was my first real exposure to contemporary poetry; it was so beautiful that it made me take a poetry class where I gained a true appreciation of poetry. But when the chips have fallen, if I was to chose between reading a novel, reading a book of poetry, or watching a video, a book of poetry would be dead last. However, when a poem is animated and made available via different artistic mediums it takes the cake. Soon the world of written poetry will draw to a close and animated poetry will be the only way for an artist to display their art; but what happens to those poets who can’t get their hands on or afford an animation team?

    Animated Poetry: A Starting Point

    There is a simple state of mind that aspiring writers like myself suffer from: fear. Writer’s Block comes to me everytime I pick up a pen or my computer and after about ten minutes I’m searching online how to combat writer’s block.
    The reason I have found common among almost all accounts is not the fact that we can’t write, but that we are afraid: writer’s demand perfection from our work, it’s how we are. Therefore, the mere notion of all of our hard work becoming lost to the seemingly infinite amount of writing out there scares us not into writing at all. So, in reality, all writers, whether seasoned or new, must accept the fact that their imagined masterpiece will most likely be written, reread, edited an incomprehensible amount of times and STILL end up as tinder for our fire and that after all that change everything we ever thought about what we wanted to write.

    Attention Writers: The Myth of Writer's Block