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    Race Relations in Comedy

    Analyze the way racial stereotypes are utilized in comedic settings such as Chappelle's Show. Are racial stereotypes permissible when used for comedic effect, and perpetrated by members of the race being stereotyped? Do these representations bring light to social justice issues, or further engrain harmful thought patterns? Is is possible to do both?

    • Interesting and very relevant topic. However, I think a more fruitful approach would be to look at both sides of the spectrum. We live in a society that has become very attuned and sensitive when it comes to comedy/jokes surrounding race, language, gender, and sexuality. There's actually a lot of excellenty articles examining how comedy (especially the standup variety) is dying because people simply cannot "take a joke". If you're going to pursue this topic I would urge you to look at both these spectrums and see if a happy medium can be found, or if one will have to concede to the other in order for the genre to survive. You could even extend beyond the Chappelle's Show to comedic forms in writing, etc. – Mela 8 years ago
    • Historically, comedy has always had racial undertones. Telling a joke at another's expense is nothing new. Neither is intolerance. What is new is the backlash comedians face when an audience perceives they have crossed the line. People can get on social media and the comedian can be ostracized. That being said, I think you have posed your questions well. "Can joking about stereotypes actually perpetuate the stereotypes?" Great thought provoking question. Comedians of colour such as Chris Rock and Russell Peters have answered these questions in interviews and would be worth taking a look at for this article. – Munjeera 8 years ago

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    Latest Comments

    Great article.
    I remember hearing a lot of negative feedback about LoK while it was airing. Some of it made sense. The first two seasons had pacing issues, and the love triangle (Rectangle? Rhombus?) was handled poorly. Season 3 however, was remarkable. And once the larger arc of the story became clear, a lot of the nitpicky issues fell to the wayside. Excellent show overall, and fantastic use of villains.

    The Legend of Korra: Empathizing with Villains

    Great read. Tolkien’s penchant for crafting complex and colorful lore caused a major shift in the way fiction is created. His fingerprints can also be seen in Star Wars, Adventure Time, and countless other comic books, shows, and films.

    The Influence of J.R.R. Tolkien on Modern Video Gaming

    Excellent article, thanks for posting.
    As for the Switch itself, I really want to love it. Going back to a cartridge based system is a great move, and Nintendo consistently builds excellent, long-lasting machines. Plus, I’ve always had a soft spot for Nintendo properties. I’ll be picking up one of these consoles eventually for Breath of the Wild alone.
    However, I am skeptical of a few things. My biggest concern is the lack of Virtual Console at launch. This should have been a no-brainer, since Nintendo has an amazing backlog of incredible games. Weak storage and lack of third party support is also disappointing, but not as critical.
    Still though. That Zelda.

    The Nintendo Switch: Pre-Launch Analysis