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    The evolution of comic book villainy.

    Comic book villains are sometimes the best part of the story, but how their nature has changed over the course of the last seventy five years. Motivations have gone from simple robbery to world domination to personal vengeance. The methods have also changed; in the Golden Age it was trickery and minor property damage, today outright murder and mayhem are the order of the day.

    • This is true, it has evolved from trickery to absolute damnation. Interesting topic. – danielle577 9 years ago
    • Don't forget world domination. When I was a kid every villain wanted to rule the world. – Munjeera 9 years ago
    • Definitely something I've noted as well. What is interesting to see is how a majority of villains now in comics and films based on comics is the overwhelming amount of villains who are motivated by revenge directed towards a hero. Jealousy, revenge, or mental illness. VEry rarely nowadays do we see a villain committing a crime for crimes sake. There's been a surge in analyzing the psyhology of the villain, and I think it's a change for the better. it humanizes the characters and adds a level of empathy. – Pvrvgon 8 years ago

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    My favorite anti-hero has to be John Constantine. From his first appearance in Swamp Thing to Hellblazer to the New 52 incarnation there is something fascinating and intriguing in his view of the world and his place in it. The reader is never sure of his intentions. Constantine’s actions, no matter how altruistic they may seem, inevitably serve his own, hidden, purpose.

    Anti-Heroes and the Appeal They Have in Comics

    I have found the WiR trope to be a factor in continuing to read a book or not. As a long-time comic reader, I can sense when something is not right and I abhor using the WiR as a plot device. It makes the writer look lazy, like a sort of deus ex machina, to advance a story arc. There is nothing more clichéd than the hero out for bloody revenge.
    Unfortunately this plot device has started to bled into the otherwise decent TV adaptations of comics, especially Arrow and Flash.

    Women in Refrigerators: Killing Females in Comics

    There is another example of an overweight hero who simply does not care about his physical appearance. Armstrong, or Anni-Padda, from the Valiant title “Archer and Armstrong” is a hard drinking, promiscuous, overweight and out of shape immortal warrior. Armstrong’s hedonistic lifestyle and less than perfect body does affect his fighting ability.

    Overweight Superheroes and Supervillains